Jamming around Atlanta
Cumming Music Jam
For our friends on the north end of the Atlanta Metro... Joe Sewards has started a bi-monthly jam at his church. Details below!
Joe Sewards - joebuckeye1@yahoo.com
2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month
Bluegrass + / Teaching Jam
Front Left Entrance beside Bell Tower
Doors open at 6:30pm
Jam from 7-9:00pm
Fayette Music Jam
For our friends on the sound end of the Atlanta Metro... Eric Lunsford and Cory Pennington have started a monthly jam at Eric's church. Details below!
Eric Lunsford - jelunsford2021@outlook.com
Cory Pennington (co-leader) - penni006@gmail.com
2nd Thursday of the Month
Bluegrass + / Teaching jam
Doors open at 6:30pm
Jam from 7-9:00pm
Woodstock Music Jam
For our friends on the Northwest side of the Atlanta Metro... Bill Andre have started a monthly jam at his church. Details below!
Bill Andre - gaoldiesman@gmail.com
1st Wednesday of the Month
Bluegrass / Americana / Teaching Jam
Doors open at 6:30pm
Jam from 7-9:00pm
Everett's Music Barn
This is a rite of passage of the Atlanta Bluegrass scene. It is an absolutely blast. There is a house on the front of the property and every room is packed with pickers. There is a "Barn" out back where the concert is held. It is every Saturday unless the world is ending.
Everett's Music Barn - Every Saturday Night is Picking and a Concert
Consider Joining and supporting SEBA (SouthEastern Bluegrass Association). They have a list of Jams around the area in the Jams page. I suggest you start there and see if one is near you. That is the most extensive and up to date list I could find:
National Bluegrass Festivals
Jan - SPBGMA, Nashville, TN
April - MerleFest, Wilkesboro, NC
May (Memorial Day) - DelFest, Cumberland, MD
June - Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Telluride, CO
June - Bill Monroe Bluegrass Festival, Morgantown, IN
Sept (Labor Day) - Earl Scruggs Music Fest, Mill Spring, NC
Sept - IBMA World of Bluegrass, Raleigh NC
Red Light Cafe - Bluegrass Jam Officially is Dead :(
One of the most famous in-town jams is sadly dead. The Red Light Cafe Bluegrass jam is no more. Maybe one day it will get started back up, but for now, it is no more. They were halted for COVID, then brought back in Summer of 2021 only.
Frank Hamilton School
Founded in September 2015, the Frank Hamilton School is a place where people of all ages can come together to share, learn, and celebrate music. Based on the idea that music is a natural birthright shared by everyone, the school strives to make learning accessible and enjoyable, bringing students and teachers together in a caring and supportive musical community.
Atlanta Blues Society
The Atlanta Blues Society is a VERY active group promoting blues music. Definitely follow them on social media and check out their website. Tons of jams and events.
Red Light Cafe - Jazz
Although not bluegrass, on Wednesday nights, Red Light Cafe hosts a wonderful Jazz Jam. It is streamed on Twitch for free though there is a virtual Tip Jar through Venmo. It is hosted by the Georgia State Coordinator of Jazz Studies. If you want some exposure to Jazz Classics, you won't be disappointed.